Georgetown Hospital

Sounds like I got sick, didn’t it?

Well breath easy readers, it’s actually the name for a hidden away area where crazy people go to climb up the side of exposed rock faces, clinging to two-finger holes and wearing hawk feet shoes.

Now, I have rock climbed inside before, I liked it! Especially when I could swing off the top and peg the landing! But outdoor rock climbing is like someone took the training wheels off.

A cute pair from our Small Groups (that Bible study Mr. Fox and I are a part of) are the super outdoorsy type (compared to Mr. Fox and I) and have been rock climbing for years and years! (We’ll call them Mr. and Mrs. Australia) I have never climbed outside before and let me tell you, I have a new-found respect for those dudes that do. It takes muscle and dedication and a raw will to cling to some of those rock faces!

I didn’t do too well, I got a few feet up and every muscle in my body said NOPE NOPE NOPE! Mr. Fox climbed a up couple of times, while Mr. Australia not only climbed every single opportunity, but he set up the ropes for everyone else. So he climbed without a rope three times! Maybe he should be called Mr. Muscles. Mrs. Australia did ten times better than I could ever hope or dream! I hope I can be as fit and active as her soon. She’s pretty cool. You guys should be jealous I know her.

We had fun! We are sore! My very fingertips are sore! Mr. Fox could barely get out of bed this morning. But you know, it was worth it. My favorite part of the whole day was that we’re finally finding friends!

(This happened a while ago, I’ve just been waiting for pictures, and I haven’t received them yet. So I just posted)

Tennis Concert Jan. 15th 2014

If you’ve never heard of the band named Tennis, stop now and go here to listen to them: Official Music Video.

Tennis on a boat

Tennis on a boat

Mr. Fox is a huge fan of them thanks to his cousin. We had really gotten into their music two weeks ago when Mr. Fox stumbled upon The Parish’s schedule and saw that Tennis was playing for only $20 per ticket. Who could pass that up!? So we snagged us some tickets and got our friends to join us. We went to Waterloo early the next week to buy some old records for our new record player when we saw a tiny sign in the door that Tennis would be at Waterloo for free! Hallelujah! What a catch!

D-Day came and we left work super duper early and got to Waterloo and hour before Tennis were to play. The hour was nearly spent when I caught sight of Alaina through the window and our hearts were set to racing. Here were famous people, now two feet in front of us, saying hello. They walked in, set up all the while we hung around like a bunch of loons. She laughed at my joke. (The song for lady’s razors came on in the store). They were set up early, so they browsed the store for fifteen minutes. We worked up the courage and asked her husband for a picture.


We waited for an hour or so for them to start singing, and once they did, they proved to be a true band. They can adapt, they can play without drums, they are a good, great, fantastic band. Enough of my chatter, however, here are the photos and videos I took!

Tennis at Waterloo

After they finished rocking out with the very best living room jam sesh ever, we got our record signed, and then we went to their second venue called The Parish; where we waited for an hour an a half in the freezing cold. We took the required glam shots to warm up, and to fill the time.


And then we rocked out again!

Color Me RAD 5k Then Die.

Many of you probably don’t know, but I’m not a runner. I am not at all a runner. I am like Gimili from Lord of the Rings. That wise dwarf said:

“I’m wasted on cross-country! We Dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances. “

Very very wise creature. Although hairy.

That being said, my Small Group (a Bible study made up of a few sets of couples) found a Groupon coupon and we all signed up. I did it for the personal challenge and because I didn’t want to be the loser on the sidelines. I’m not fat, just lazy.

So I went on Pinterest and got myself the best Couch to 5k picture:

Couch to 5k

and got to work. My loving husband went along with me of course. He absolutely hates running, but he did it to keep me company, and because he also didn’t want to be the bum on the sidelines. He bought me a tutu to run in too, so now I was totally committed to running this sucker!

We did run it too! I only made it to week two, day two of the Couch to 5k guide because of how late we signed up, this meant that I ran the Color Me RAD like week two, day two. In my book, I ran for about half the 5k, and walked dragged myself the other half. But. I did it!

Click here to see the video my husband put together for our group!